Sunday, May 2, 2010
Brooks Lucas Makes a Sack (or Four)
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Christmas 2009
We had an awesome Christmas this year. I probably have too much fun spoiling the kids. I reconcile it to the fact that we don't buy them alot during the year, I always tell them to ask Santa. I also make myself feel better about the fact that my kids are that they are still pretty sweet. Here is Brie in her Christmas PJ's (American Girl Doll matchie-matchie) opening her 'big' gift.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
"Date Night with Traedon"

Monday, November 2, 2009
BrieOcea turns 12!

Brie turned 12 on October 24th. My little girl is not allowed to have any more birthdays. I made a new rule that she can no longer grow older. But since she is making the choice to defy my rule, it is fun watching her grow into a young woman. She has such a sweet little spirit about her. She loves that she now belongs to the Beehives. Every sunday she has a new spiritual experience because her Beehive teachers are so awesome. She warms my heart, and inspires me to be better. She came home after her first time in Young Womens and exclaimed that she felt the spirit to the point that she nearly cried. If you know Brie, you know that she 'nearly cries' at everything she doesn't cry at (I am sure many of you remember that she had a complete and utter meltdown when King Kong finally died at the end of the movie). But it is still awesome to be a mom of a little girl who feels so much, and who has a testimony at such a young age.
She had a lot of fun on her birthday. She will always have a Halloween party. This year everyone dressed up in their costumes and went 'Treat or Tricking' - reverse trick or treating...knocking on doors and giving candy to the kids at the different homes. She received a Mountain Bike with gears, a tumbling blow-up thingy featured in the video below (and don't worry, she only suffered minor injuries), and a cell phone. A little bit spoiled, but she deserves to be a little spoiled.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Rohnin has a Birthday!
1. He loves to eat...his favorite food is cereal, unless of course that is on the menu, then he hates cereal. He will beg for pizza until you put it in front of him, then he will cry for cereal...ultimately desiring the pizza. I have a dirty little secret that will stop all fits. I just have to give him a glass of Diet Coke (I am such a good mom).
2. He is a fan of Pixar, namely Monster's Inc, Nemo, Toy Story II, Shrek, & Monster's Vs. Aliens. He can watch them all day if we let him. But if you find him in one of his moods, he will cry for "Memo" until you put Nemo in the dvd player, then he will pitch a fit for "Mama Inc". Edgar will acquiesce until he has tried all the dvd's only to settle on the first. I don't give him a choice, and will let him throw his fit (with a sippy cup of Diet Coke).
All this in mind, we love our little monster and wouldn't trade him for the world. He warms my heart when he is thrilled to see me after work, running at me, smiling from ear to ear with his sweet little dimple lighting up his face...going in for a kiss on my cheek, only to be denied by him pulling away at the last second to ask for "Ghek".