Monday, February 18, 2008

Traedon Kent Harris

Traedon is our third child, thus the name Trae. His middle name is for Grandpa Edde. He just turned 5 on January 14th. Trae is a very honest kid, at least ever since he cut his hair to his scalp. I think that is when he learned the importance of telling the truth. When I confronted him about his new 'short' hairstyle, he proceded to blame it on his brother. I almost believed him (because I wouldn't have put it past Luke) until he changed his story and said that BrieOcea did it. He finally came clean, and since then I don't recall him ever lying. Now when I confront him on why he mooned his brothers friend, or poured sugar in the formal living room, or even ask him what he is eating, he just responds, "am I grounded?"

Trae also loves telling jokes and making people laugh. When you see him next, ask him about his sausage joke, or the two thumbs joke. It might just make your day. He is very candid, and will say what is on his mind...whether it be telling a little girl that she is chubby, or letting a grandma-lady know that her teeth are yellow, and that she needs to brush them. I have tried to teach him how to say the politically correct answer when his aunts ask him who his favorite aunt is. I tell him "if it is only Kenzie, tell her that Kenzie is your favorite Aunt. If it is only Brooke tell her the Brooke is your favorite Aunt. But if it is both Kenzie and Brooke, tell them that it is a tie between Laurie, Stacy & Jill." Maybe it will get them to stop asking :)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Rohnin Shippee Harris

Rohnin is our fourth and final child. I am kind of sad to think that he is our last for the following reasons: 1. I really kind of like being pregnant and giving birth. 2. Babies are like candy, their burps are sweet as well as their poops. 3. Their smiles warm my heart. 4. I now feel the wrinkles starting to form around my eyes....(getting o l d)

Rohnin was born October 19th, 2007. He was named for a fallen Samarai (Ronin), kind of cool. His middle name is the family surname after whom Edgar was named (Edgar Andrew Shippee). This round-aboutly makes him named after his dad without plaguing a poor child with the name of Edgar...not that there is anything wrong with the name, only few can pull it off!

Rohnin came into the world after an eternity trying (well, maybe only a year. But it seemed like an eternity), and after a few miscarraiges. Edgar and I both feel very blessed to have him because we thought that we might be miscarrying him too. But after a priesthood blessing, and a miracle, we were able to bring a perfect 7lb 15 oz baby into the world. The delivery was cake, the recovery was more like peanut butter. He came home without any ailments, not even jaundis like the other three.

He is now nearly four months old, and sleeps through the night in his own crib. He loves to be held by anyone that will hold him. If you are lucky enough, he will give you a toothless wide-mouthed grin. If you are unlucky enough, that grin will be followed by puke.

I guess since everybody is doing it!

It looks as though all of my siblings are having a blast with blogging. I think I might try my hand at it, if only to do some sort of journaling. We will see how successful I become. If my blog becomes half as fun to read as my siblings, then I will have succeded. At least maybe my children will have something to read about in years to come (if I keep it up, and if it doesn't get erased...that would really suck, or not, depends).